31 October, 2014

Most musculoskeletal or movement system disorders (MSD) are the result of a PREVENTABLE imbalance that affects the muscles, tendons, and nerves (the soft tissues) of our movement system. Each day we use our body; physical stress and strain sometimes produces microscopic wear and fatigue to our soft tissues. Normally, this fatigue is fully repaired by rest, circulation, and nutrition through the blood supply. When there is a balance between this fatigue and the repair process, we maintain good health. But too much fatigue, coupled with too little repair ,can lead to MSD.
WORK:- Excessive Force
- Awkward Posture
- Repetition
- Poor Body Mechanics
- Poor Ergonomic Design
- Dehydration
- Poor Nutrition
- Fatigue & Inflammation
- Poor Physical Fitness
- Muscle Imbalance