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In a world increasingly driven by technological advancements and complex systems, human factors specialists have become more integral. These professionals play a crucial role in ensuring that the design of products, systems, and environments takes into account human capabilities, limitations, and behaviors. By integrating principles of psychology, biometrics and engineering human factors specialists strive to…
Aviation is a complex and highly regulated industry that demands unwavering attention to safety, with safety relying heavily on maintenance.   Behind the scenes, a multitude of individuals work tirelessly to ensure that every flight operates smoothly. CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority), regulates the aviation industry in Australia; they license pilots & engineers, register aircraft…
As ergonomists and safety specialists, we are frequently asked if we can provide ‘how to lift’ training to minimise the risks of injury from manual tasks within the workplace. Although injuries from these tasks are common, we believe ‘how to lift’ training, by itself, is not the right approach to managing hazardous manual tasks. So…
Managing risks in the workplace is an important duty of any business owner or employer. A safety specialist can assist a business to identify hazards and determine how to eliminate or control risks within a workplace or public facility. Various frameworks and tools are often used to assist safety specialist identity and manage risks adequately.   Risk…
The failure of a consumer item can have severe consequences for the user. To avoid product failure and prevent injury or death due to the use of a consumer product, the product must go through a rigorous design and verification process. Human factors must be considered at every stage of the design process, from concept through…
Falls in the workplace is a leading cause of death and serious Injury in Australia. Fall hazards can be found in many workplaces. Hazards involving increased risk can include work carried out at heights above two metres – for example, climbing up ladders in warehouses or working on roofs, temporary work platforms and elevated work…
Key points: •  Falls on stairs are common, and often lead to serious injuries. •  Falls on stairs are often complex – there are multiple possible factors that can cause a fall. •  Many stair incidents can easily be prevented, and remedial solutions implemented at minimal cost. •  Ultimately, however, steps and stairs should be designed and built…
With millions of Australians now working from home – and many possibly permanently after the peak of COVID-19 – there is a considerable risk of people experiencing discomfort and developing musculoskeletal disorders due to poorly set up home workspaces and a lack of movement. While passing soreness, discomfort, and even brief pain from working at…
Victoria will soon become the fourth Australian jurisdiction (following Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory) to introduce workplace manslaughter offences. The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and other matters) Bill 2019 will become law in Victoria on 1 July 2020. What are these new workplace manslaughter laws in Victoria? An expansion…
Download the 6 tips. Pop on your walking boots and get out your pens. This guideline will help you identify some obvious, and some less obvious, ergonomic hazards in your workplace – potentially saving your workers and you much heartache. Simply print out these practical tips and take a walk around. With the tips in…
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