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With millions of Australians now working from home – and many possibly permanently after the peak of COVID-19 – there is a considerable risk of people experiencing discomfort and developing musculoskeletal disorders due to poorly set up home workspaces and a lack of movement. While passing soreness, discomfort, and even brief pain from working at…
Victoria will soon become the fourth Australian jurisdiction (following Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory) to introduce workplace manslaughter offences. The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and other matters) Bill 2019 will become law in Victoria on 1 July 2020. What are these new workplace manslaughter laws in Victoria? An expansion…
We all know we need to be assessing and managing risk in the workplace. The law is extremely clear that risk assessment is one of the key responsibilities of business owners and managers. Using the guidance provided by the Code of Practice for manual handling/manual tasks relevant to your state/territory is one of the most…
The day after this horrible bus crash at the Montague St Bridge, a truck ran into the exact same bridge. A week and a half later, another truck ran into the same bridge. As of May 2016, the bridge has been hit 102 times in the last six years. That’s more than once a month! It happens so…
A recent worldwide study led by the University of Sydney has proven that lower back pain is the most commonly recorded of workplace injuries, ranking higher than any other condition including cardiac disease and depression. Often both severe and costly, back injuries can arise from a number of ergonomic exposures including heavy lifting, forceful movement,…
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