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With millions of Australians now working from home – and many possibly permanently after the peak of COVID-19 – there is a considerable risk of people experiencing discomfort and developing musculoskeletal disorders due to poorly set up home workspaces and a lack of movement. While passing soreness, discomfort, and even brief pain from working at…
Contemporary lifestyle habits commonly find us looking down for large portions of the day – whether it be reading the paper, using apps on our phones, writing notes, referring to notes whilst typing, or even falling asleep on the train (even if there is a comfortable shoulder or not-so-comfortable window to lean on). Prolonged periods…
Not too long ago we talked about how to choose a good pillow. But a pillow is only one of the key factors in having a good night’s sleep. A good mattress is essential to your health and wellbeing. Choosing a mattress can be overwhelming. There are so many terms that are thrown around: pillow…
Recently, we talked about 6 things that could be causing your back and neck pain. In the second part of this series (based on this article. Rachael Sheat, the author, has kindly granted permission for use of her work), we identify some things you can do to prevent or ease back and neck pain. Get…
Back and neck pain affect many people and, due to increased use of technology and lifestyle factors, are on the rise. This is a two part article, based on the work of the lovely Rachael Sheat from Victoria Pain Specialists. The original article is targeted at health care practitioners, so we’ve made some adjustments (with…
We all know how important sleep is to our health, both physical and mental. Numerous studies have been conducted on optimum amount of sleep, how to create the ideal environment for sleep and what we should or shouldn’t do before bed. These are important elements, but did you know that ergonomics can play a key…
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