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Back and neck pain affect many people and, due to increased use of technology and lifestyle factors, are on the rise. This is a two part article, based on the work of the lovely Rachael Sheat from Victoria Pain Specialists. The original article is targeted at health care practitioners, so we’ve made some adjustments (with…
We all know how important sleep is to our health, both physical and mental. Numerous studies have been conducted on optimum amount of sleep, how to create the ideal environment for sleep and what we should or shouldn’t do before bed. These are important elements, but did you know that ergonomics can play a key…
The day after this horrible bus crash at the Montague St Bridge, a truck ran into the exact same bridge. A week and a half later, another truck ran into the same bridge. As of May 2016, the bridge has been hit 102 times in the last six years. That’s more than once a month! It happens so…
How to minimise the harmful effects of high heels Do you wear high heels regularly? Many people do, and while they look great, they don’t do great things to your body! Foot and ankle injuries, back problems and changes in your posture are all possible side-effects of wearing heels all the time. We think your…
Most of us spend many hours in front of a computer on a daily basis. Strain injuries as a result of incorrect positioning and repetitive movements are increasing in Australia, costing businesses millions and causing discomfort for workers. Our friends over at jason.l have put together this snazzy infographic as a guide on how to position…
When an employee is returning to work after an injury, it is important that the injured worker returns safely to work, without feeling pressured to do so prematurely. It is the employer’s duty to ensure the worker should be given sufficient time to recover. Upon return, injured employees should be tasked with appropriate duties and assistance…
A recent worldwide study led by the University of Sydney has proven that lower back pain is the most commonly recorded of workplace injuries, ranking higher than any other condition including cardiac disease and depression. Often both severe and costly, back injuries can arise from a number of ergonomic exposures including heavy lifting, forceful movement,…
Australian employers are required by law to provide their employees, contractors and those who visit their facilities with a safe and healthy workplace. Ensuring that your business complies with these duties will prevent prosecution or fines, and will also help to maintain staff. The scope of the responsibility requires employers to: Provide and maintain a…
Most musculoskeletal or movement system disorders (MSD) are the result of a PREVENTABLE imbalance that affects the muscles, tendons, and nerves (the soft tissues) of our movement system. Each day we use our body; physical stress and strain sometimes produces microscopic wear and fatigue to our soft tissues. Normally, this fatigue is fully repaired by…
Do you need to know how to use the revised NIOSH Equation to reduce manual lifting and lowering stress? The NIOSH lifting equation tool was developed to assess and evaluate the safety limits two-handed lifting tasks to assist employers in reducing the risk of lifting-related injuries. Designed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the…
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